Candidates for Ministry

Our Candidates for Ministry program offers a battery of specialized testing instruments used to define personality type, individual interests, emotional intelligence, features of calling, psychological health and conflict resolution style. We serve individuals from various denominational affiliations. Candidates are encouraged to explore their personal gifts for ministry and features of personal calling to service in the church and the world. Findings may be reported to denominational governing bodies upon request.

Our Purpose

In accordance with the Book of Order, we are committed to the assessment and encouragement of individuals who are preparing themselves for ordained ministry within the PCUSA. We also assess individuals from other denominational affiliations for readiness for ordained ministry as directed by their ecleastic guidelines.

The Process

Each individual takes a battery of psychological and career related tests designed to assess personality type, individual interests, emotional state, aptitude to work with others within the church and personal calling to ordained ministry. These tests are then interpreted for the individual highlighting personal strengths, areas for individual growth and implications for ministry within the church. A report is then written and sent to the candidate, presbytery and/or denominational court for review as part of the requirement for ordination.


The cost for testing, interpretation, individual counseling and the written profile is $990. This includes approximately 2-3 hours of individual consultation. Payment is due at the time of service and must be, paid in full before a written report can be released to the presbytery or denominational court.